Hex Editor - Binary File Editing Software for Windows
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IProcessWindow Interface

This interface is implemented by a process window object. Use the openProcess method to get a reference to this interface.


interface IProcessWindow {
    // Properties
    readonly ${processId}: number;
    readonly ${name}: string;
    readonly ${commandLine}: string;
    readonly ${path}: string;
    readonly ${isRunning}: boolean;
    readonly ${exitCode}?: number;
    readonly ${snapshots}: ${IProcessSnapshot}[];

    // Methods
    ${createSnapshot}(): ${IProcessSnapshot};
    ${deleteSnapshot}(snapshot: ${IProcessSnapshot}): void;
    ${clearSnapshots}(): void;
    ${compareSnapshots}(snapshot1: ${IProcessSnapshot},
        snapshot2: ${IProcessSnapshot},
        arrange = ${SplitMode}.Vertical): void;
// This interface is not available in managed environment
// This interface is not available in native environment

IProcessWindow Properties


readonly processId: number;
// This property is not available in managed environment
// This property is not available in native environment

Process ID. This number is unique among all running processes.


readonly name: string;
// This property is not available in managed environment
// This property is not available in native environment

Process name.


readonly commandLine: string;
// This property is not available in managed environment
// This property is not available in native environment

The full command line of a running process. This property may be empty if Hex Editor Neo does not have enough rights to obtain process's command line.


readonly path: string;
// This property is not available in managed environment
// This property is not available in native environment

The full path to the process executable file.


readonly isRunning: boolean;
// This property is not available in managed environment
// This property is not available in native environment

Holds true while the process is running.


readonly exitCode?: number;
// This property is not available in managed environment
// This property is not available in native environment

Returns the process exit code (the meaning of this value is process-specific, however, zero is commonly used to signal successful exit). If the process is still running, this property is undefined.


readonly snapshots: ${IProcessSnapshot}[];
// This property is not available in managed environment
// This property is not available in native environment

Returns an array of all created process snapshots. This array has at least one element that describes the running process itself and it is always the first element in the array.

IProcessWindow Methods


createSnapshot(): ${IProcessSnapshot};
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment

Create new process snapshot object and return a reference to it.


deleteSnapshot(snapshot: ${IProcessSnapshot}): void;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
The snapshot to delete.

Delete the given snapshot. Note that attempt to delete a snapshot object that represents the running process will silently fail.


clearSnapshots(): void;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment

Delete all process snapshots.


compareSnapshots(snapshot1: ${IProcessSnapshot},
    snapshot2: ${IProcessSnapshot},
    arrange = ${SplitMode}.Vertical): void;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
A reference to the first (old) snapshot.
A reference to the second (new) snapshot.
Optional window arrangement mode. Defaults to SplitMode.Vertical if omitted.

Open the entire address space of given snapshots as two editor windows and use the File Comparison feature to compare their contents.

Both specified snapshots must represent actual process snapshots, not the running process. They should also reference the same object.