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IDocumentView Interface

This interface is implemented by a document view object. You can get a reference to an active document view using the activeView property. All views of a given document can be accessed using the IDocument.views property.


interface IDocumentView extends ${IWindow} {
    // Properties
    readonly ${document}: ${IDocument};
    readonly ${cursor}: ${ICursor};
    readonly ${selection}: ${ISelection};
    ${insertMode}: boolean;
    ${displayAs}: ${DisplayAs};
    ${addressDisplayAs}: ${AddressDisplayAs};
    ${groupBy}: ${GroupBy};
    ${columns}: number;
    readonly ${currentColumns}: number;
    ${bigEndian}: boolean;
    ${encoding}: ${Encodings};
    ${codePane}: boolean;
    ${textPane}: boolean;

    // Methods
    ${activateCodePane}(): void;
    ${activateTextPane}(): void;
    ${editCell}(value: string, shiftCursor = false): void;
    ${typeChar}(text: string): void;
    ${refresh}(): void;
    ${connectWith}(anotherView: IDocumentView): void;
    ${disconnect}(): void;
    ${lockUpdate}(lock: boolean): void;

    // Clipboard Methods
    ${cutAsync}(merge = false): Promise<void>;
    ${copyAsync}(merge = false): Promise<void>;
    ${pasteAsync}(textPane?: boolean): Promise<void>;
    ${clearAsync}(): Promise<void>;

    // Selection Methods
    ${selectAll}(): void;
    ${selectModifiedAsync}(): Promise<void>;
    ${copySelectionRangesAsync}(): Promise<void>;
    ${exportSelectionRangesAsync}(fileName: string): Promise<void>;
    ${saveSelectionAsync}(fileName: string): Promise<void>;
    ${loadSelectionAsync}(fileName: string, loadType = ${SelectionLoadType}.New): Promise<void>;

    // Navigation Methods
    ${goto}(offset: number, gotoMode: ${GotoMode}, selectUpdateFlags = ${SelectionUpdateMode}.NoChange): void;

    // Document Modification Methods
    ${fillAsync}(pattern: ${IPattern}, range?: ${ISelection}, flags = ${FillFlags}.None): Promise<void>;
    ${insert}(pattern: ${IPattern}, size?: number): void;
    ${insertFile}(path: string, insertMode?: boolean): void;
    ${insertHexAsync}(path: string, format: ${HexFormat}, flags = ${InsertHexFlags}.None): Promise<void>;
    ${encryptAsync}(providerName: string,
        providerType: number,
        algorithmId: number,
        keyLength: number,
        password: string,
        range: ${ISelection}): Promise<void>;
    ${decryptAsync}(providerName: string,
        providerType: number,
        algorithmId: number,
        keyLength: number,
        password: string,
        range: ${ISelection}): Promise<void>;
    ${modifyBits}(mask: number): void;

    // Find Methods
    ${findAsync}(pattern: ${IPattern}, range: ${ISelection}, flags = ${FindFlags}.Forward): Promise<${FindResult}>;
    ${findRegExpAsync}(pattern: string,
        unicode: boolean,
        flags = ${FindFlags}.Forward,
        subExpression = 0): Promise<${FindResult}>;
    ${findNextAsync}(): Promise<${FindResult}>;
    ${findPrevAsync}(): Promise<${FindResult}>;
    ${findAllAsync}(pattern: ${IPattern}, range: ${ISelection}, flags = ${FindFlags}.Forward): Promise<number>;
    ${findAllRegExpAsync}(pattern: string,
        unicode: boolean,
        flags = ${FindFlags}.Forward,
        subExpression = 0): Promise<number>;

    // Replace Methods
    ${replaceAsync}(command: ${ReplaceCommand},
        findPattern: ${IPattern},
        range: ${ISelection},
        replacePattern: ${IPattern},
        flags = ${FindFlags}.None): Promise<boolean>;
    ${replaceRegExpAsync}(findPattern: string,
        findUnicode: boolean,
        replacePattern: string | ${IPattern},
        flags = ${FindFlags}.None,
        subExpression = 0,
        replaceRegExpUnicode = false): Promise<boolean>;
    ${replaceAllAsync}(findPattern: ${IPattern},
        range: ${ISelection},
        replacePattern: ${IPattern},
        flags = ${FindFlags}.None): Promise<number>;
    ${replaceAllRegExpAsync}(findPattern: string,
        findUnicode: boolean,
        replacePattern: string | ${IPattern},
        flags = ${FindFlags}.None,
        subExpression = 0,
        replaceRegExpUnicode = false): Promise<number>;

    // Data Operations
    ${bitwiseOpAsync}(operation: ${BitwiseOperation}, pattern: ${IPattern}, range: ${OperationRange}): Promise<void>;
    ${arithmeticOpAsync}(operation: ${ArithmeticOperation},
        range: ${OperationRange},
        value?: number,
        operandSize?: ${OperandSize}): Promise<void>;
    ${shiftOpAsync}(operation: ${ShiftOperation},
        range: ${OperationRange},
        value: number,
        operandSize?: ${OperandSize}): Promise<void>;
    ${caseOpAsync}(operation: ${CaseOperation},
        range: ${OperationRange},
        encoding: ${Encodings}): Promise<void>;
    ${reverseOpAsync}(operation: ${ReverseOperation},
        range: ${OperationRange},
        operandSize?: ${OperandSize}): Promise<void>;
// This interface is not available in managed environment
// This interface is not available in native environment

IDocumentView Properties


readonly document: ${IDocument};
// This property is not available in managed environment
// This property is not available in native environment

Returns a reference to a view's document object.


readonly cursor: ${ICursor};
// This property is not available in managed environment
// This property is not available in native environment

Returns a reference to a view's cursor object.


readonly selection: ${ISelection};
// This property is not available in managed environment
// This property is not available in native environment

Returns a reference to a view's selection object.


insertMode: boolean;
// This property is not available in managed environment
// This property is not available in native environment

Query or change the current view's insert mode.


displayAs: ${DisplayAs};
// This property is not available in managed environment
// This property is not available in native environment

Query or change the current view's view type.


addressDisplayAs: ${AddressDisplayAs};
// This property is not available in managed environment
// This property is not available in native environment

Query or change the current view's address display type.


groupBy: ${GroupBy};
// This property is not available in managed environment
// This property is not available in native environment

Query or change the grouping mode.


columns: number;
// This property is not available in managed environment
// This property is not available in native environment

Query or change the number of columns in an editor window. Set to 0 to switch to “auto columns” mode.


readonly currentColumns: number;
// This property is not available in managed environment
// This property is not available in native environment

Returns the actual number of columns. Equals columns unless it is 0. In the latter case, returns the actual number of columns.


bigEndian: boolean;
// This property is not available in managed environment
// This property is not available in native environment

Query or change the editor window's byte order.


encoding: ${Encodings};
// This property is not available in managed environment
// This property is not available in native environment

Query or change the current view's encoding. Set to Encodings.UTF16 to switch to the UNICODE mode.


codePane: boolean;
// This property is not available in managed environment
// This property is not available in native environment

Switch the code pane on or off.


textPane: boolean;
// This property is not available in managed environment
// This property is not available in native environment

Switch the text pane on or off.

IDocumentView Methods


activateCodePane(): void;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment

Activate the code pane (move cursor to the code pane).


activateTextPane(): void;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment

Activate the text pane (move cursor to the text pane).


editCell(value: string, shiftCursor = false): void;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
New cell's value
Set to true to automatically shift cursor to the next cell.

Changes the value in the current cell. Used for decimal and floating-point value types.


typeChar(text: string): void;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
The character to “type” into the view.

Changes the value in the current cell. Used for hexadecimal, octal and binary value types.


refresh(): void;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment

Refresh the current view. Supported for volume, disk and process document types.


connectWith(anotherView: IDocumentView): void;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
A reference to a view you want to connect to. Cannot be equal to this.

Connects two views. After connection, cursor movement and position are synchronized between the views. Use the disconnect method to break the connection. If one of the connected views is closed, the connection is also broken.

If the view has been previously connected, it is disconnected first.

var doc1 = ${openFile}("c:\\temp\\document1.bin");
var doc2 = ${openFile}("c:\\temp\\document2.bin");


disconnect(): void;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment

Disconnect the current view from any connected view. You don't have to disconnect the other “end” of a connection, it gets disconnected automatically.


lockUpdate(lock: boolean): void;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
true to lock window updates and false to unlock.

Lock all updates to the document view's window (if lock is set to true) or unlock and refresh the window (if lock is set to false).


You must unlock the window before the script stops execution.


cutAsync(merge = false): Promise<void>;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
true to merge selection ranges together, false to leave them as is.

A promise object that gets completed as soon as operation finishes.

Delete the selected ranges from the document and put them into the Clipboard. Optional merge parameter specifies whether multiple selection ranges should be joined into a single range.


copyAsync(merge = false): Promise<void>;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
true to merge selection ranges together, false to leave them as is.

A promise object that gets completed as soon as operation finishes.

Copy selected document data into the Clipboard. Optional merge parameter specifies whether multiple selection ranges should be joined into a single range.


pasteAsync(textPane?: boolean): Promise<void>;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
true to paste into the text pane, false to paste into the code pane. If omitted, the current pane is used.

A promise object that gets completed as soon as operation finishes.

Paste data from the Clipboard into the document.


clearAsync(): Promise<void>;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment

A promise object that gets completed as soon as operation finishes.

Deletes selected data from the document.


selectAll(): void;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment

Select the entire document.


selectModifiedAsync(): Promise<void>;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment

A promise object that gets completed as soon as operation finishes.

Add all modified data ranges to a selection.


copySelectionRangesAsync(): Promise<void>;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment

A promise object that gets completed as soon as operation finishes.

Copy the selection ranges information in text format into the Clipboard.


exportSelectionRangesAsync(fileName: string): Promise<void>;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
The full path of the export file.

A promise object that gets completed as soon as operation finishes.

Export the selection ranges information in text format into the given file.


saveSelectionAsync(fileName: string): Promise<void>;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
Full path to a file.

A promise object that gets completed as soon as operation finishes.

Save the current selection into the file.


loadSelectionAsync(fileName: string, loadType = ${SelectionLoadType}.New): Promise<void>;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
Full path to a file.
Selection loading mode. If omitted, defaults to SelectionLoadType.New.

A promise object that gets completed as soon as operation finishes.

Load a selection from a file and optionally combine it with a current selection, depending on the value of loadType parameter.


goto(offset: number, gotoMode: ${GotoMode}, selectUpdateFlags = ${SelectionUpdateMode}.NoChange): void;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
Target offset. The gotoMode parameter tells how to interpret this parameter.
Specifies how to interpret the value of a offset parameter.
Specifies how the goto operation affects the current selection.

Move the cursor (and collapse all alternate cursors) to a given offset. The value of the offset parameter is interpreted according to the gotoMode parameter. You can also specify how the operation affects the current selection with an optional selectUpdateFlags parameter. See the SelectionUpdateMode section for more information.


fillAsync(pattern: ${IPattern}, range?: ${ISelection}, flags = ${FillFlags}.None): Promise<void>;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
The pattern to fill. Use the createPattern function to create a pattern object.
Optional selection to fill. If omitted, the current selection is used. You can use the wholeFile global variable to specify the “whole file” fill mode.
Fill operation flags.

A promise object that gets completed as soon as operation finishes.

Fill the given selection (or a current selection, if range is null or omitted) with a given pattern. Optional flags parameter specify the operation mode.


insert(pattern: ${IPattern}, size?: number): void;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
The pattern to insert. Use the createPattern function to create a pattern object.
Optional pattern size. If the size is less than the size of a pattern, only part of a pattern is used, it the size is greater than the size of a pattern, a pattern is repeated. If omitted or equals to zero, the actual pattern's size is used.

Insert (or overwrite) a given pattern into the document. Insertion takes place at each multiple cursor location. The value of the IDocumentView.insertMode property is taken into account when performing this operation.


insertFile(path: string, insertMode?: boolean): void;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
Full path to the file to insert.
true to insert the file into the document, false to overwrite existing data. If omitted, the value of the IDocumentView.insertMode property is used.

Insert the contents of a given file at each multiple cursor location. The insertMode parameter tells if the existing data should be overwritten or not.


insertHexAsync(path: string, format: ${HexFormat}, flags = ${InsertHexFlags}.None): Promise<void>;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
Full path to the file. Specify null to take file contents from the Clipboard.
A format of the file you are opening.
One or more of the flags that modify the behavior of this method.

A promise object that gets completed as soon as operation finishes.

Insert the (decoded) contents of a given encoded hex file in the editor. format is used to specify the format of the hex file and flags modify the file decoding behavior.


encryptAsync(providerName: string,
    providerType: number,
    algorithmId: number,
    keyLength: number,
    password: string,
    range: ${ISelection}): Promise<void>;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
Cryptographic provider name.
Cryptographic provider type.
Cryptographic algorithm to use.
Key length. If algorithm supports single key length only, pass 0.
Encryption password.
Encryption range. Note that most algorithms require the total length to be a multiply of a given number.

Promise object that get completed as soon as operation finishes.

Encrypt the given selection using specified cryptographic algorithm and using a passed password to generate encryption key.


decryptAsync(providerName: string,
    providerType: number,
    algorithmId: number,
    keyLength: number,
    password: string,
    range: ${ISelection}): Promise<void>;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
Cryptographic provider name.
Cryptographic provider type.
Cryptographic algorithm to use.
Key length. If algorithm supports single key length only, pass 0.
Encryption password.
Decryption range. Note that most algorithms require the total length to be a multiply of a given number.

Promise object that get completed as soon as operation finishes.

Decrypt the given selection using specified cryptographic algorithm and using a passed password to generate encryption key.


modifyBits(mask: number): void;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
A mask to use for the operation.

Modify the current cell with a given mask.


findAsync(pattern: ${IPattern}, range: ${ISelection}, flags = ${FindFlags}.Forward): Promise<${FindResult}>;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
A pattern to find. Use the createPattern function to create a pattern object.
Selection object to use for searching.
An optional flags that modify the behavior of the find operation.

A promise object that gets completed when a next occurrence is found or the end of the file is reached.

Find the first occurrence of a given pattern in a given range. Optional flags parameter modifies the search. The method returns a promise that produces an instance of a FindResult object when completes. If no more occurrences have been found, the result is null.


findRegExpAsync(pattern: string,
    unicode: boolean,
    flags = ${FindFlags}.Forward,
    subExpression = 0): Promise<${FindResult}>;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
A regular expression to search.
true to search for UTF-16 encoded text, false to use the current encoding.
Optional flags that modify the search operation.
An optional sub-expression of a regular expression to match. 0 means the full expression.

A promise object that gets completed when a next occurrence is found or the end of the file is reached.

Find the first occurrence of a given regular expression pattern. Optional flags parameter modifies the search. The method returns a promise that produces an instance of a FindResult object when completes. If no more occurrences have been found, the result is null.


findNextAsync(): Promise<${FindResult}>;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment

A promise object that gets completed when a next occurrence is found or the end of the file is reached.

Find the next occurrence of a pattern used in the previous search.


findPrevAsync(): Promise<${FindResult}>;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment

A promise object that gets completed when a next occurrence is found or the beginning of the file is reached.

Find the previous occurrence of a pattern used in the previous search.


findAllAsync(pattern: ${IPattern}, range: ${ISelection}, flags = ${FindFlags}.Forward): Promise<number>;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
A pattern to search for. Use the createPattern function to create a pattern object.
Selection object to use for searching.
Optional flags that modify the search operation.

A promise object that gets completed when a all occurrences have been found. The promise result is the total number of occurrences.

Locate all instances of a given pattern and select them in a document view. This methods returns a promise that produces a total number of occurrences when completed.


findAllRegExpAsync(pattern: string,
    unicode: boolean,
    flags = ${FindFlags}.Forward,
    subExpression = 0): Promise<number>;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
A regular expression to search for.
true to search for UTF-16 encoded text, false to use the current encoding.
Optional flags that modify the search operation.
An optional sub-expression of a regular expression to match. 0 means the full expression.

A promise object that gets completed when a all occurrences have been found. The promise result is the total number of occurrences.

Locate all instances of a given regular expression pattern and select them in a document view. This methods returns a promise that produces a total number of occurrences when completed.


replaceAsync(command: ${ReplaceCommand},
    findPattern: ${IPattern},
    range: ${ISelection},
    replacePattern: ${IPattern},
    flags = ${FindFlags}.None): Promise<boolean>;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
Replace command to perform.
A pattern to search. Use the createPattern method to create a pattern object.
Selection object to use for searching.
A pattern to replace. Use the createPattern method to create a pattern object.
Optional flags to modify the command behavior.

A promise object that gets completed the when operation finishes. The promise yields a boolean that tells if the match was found.

Find the next occurrence of a findPattern if command equals ReplaceCommand.Find or replace the last found occurrence with a replacePattern if command equals ReplaceCommand.Replace.


replaceRegExpAsync(findPattern: string,
    findUnicode: boolean,
    replacePattern: string | ${IPattern},
    flags = ${FindFlags}.None,
    subExpression = 0,
    replaceRegExpUnicode = false): Promise<boolean>;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
A regular expression string to search.
true to treat search string as UTF-16 encoded and false to use the current view's encoding.
A replace pattern to use. Can be a string or a pattern object.
Optional flags that modify the command behavior.
Optional sub-expression to match. 0 matches the whole expression.
If replacePattern is a regular expression replace pattern, specifies if it has UTF-16 encoding.

A promise object that gets completed when a match is found. The promise result is true if match is found and false otherwise.

command: ReplaceCommand

Find and replace a next match of a specified regular expression. A replace pattern may either be a pattern object or a special form of regular expression, called replace regular expression.


replaceAllAsync(findPattern: ${IPattern},
    range: ${ISelection},
    replacePattern: ${IPattern},
    flags = ${FindFlags}.None): Promise<number>;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
A pattern to search for. Use the createPattern method to create a pattern object.
Selection object to use for searching.
A pattern to replace. Use the createPattern method to create a pattern object.
Optional flags that modify the command behavior.

A promise object that gets completed when a all occurrences have been found. The promise result is the total number of occurrences.

Find and replace all occurrences of a findPattern with a replacePattern. the next occurrence of a given regular expression. If match is found, it is replaced with a replacePattern, which can be either a pattern object or a replace regular expression string.


replaceAllRegExpAsync(findPattern: string,
    findUnicode: boolean,
    replacePattern: string | ${IPattern},
    flags = ${FindFlags}.None,
    subExpression = 0,
    replaceRegExpUnicode = false): Promise<number>;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
A pattern to replace. Use the createPattern method to create a pattern object.
true to treat search string as UTF-16 encoded and false to use the current view's encoding.
A replace pattern to use. Can be a string or a pattern object.
Optional flags that modify the command behavior.
Optional sub-expression to match. 0 matches the whole expression.
If replacePattern is a regular expression replace pattern, specifies if it has UTF-16 encoding.

A promise object that gets completed when a all occurrences have been found. The promise result is the total number of occurrences.

Replace all occurrences of a given regular expression with either pattern object or a replace regular expression.


bitwiseOpAsync(operation: ${BitwiseOperation}, pattern: ${IPattern}, range: ${OperationRange}): Promise<void>;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
Bitwise operation to perform.
Parameter for some of the bitwise operations. Pass empty pattern for a bitwise NOT operation.
Operation range.

A promise object that gets completed when the operation finishes.

Perform a given bitwise operation. For all values of the operation parameter besides BitwiseOperation.Not, a non-empty pattern is required.

await ${activeView}.bitwiseOpAsync(${BitwiseOperation.Xor}, ${createPattern}(new Uint8Array([0xaa])), ${OperationRange.WholeFile});


arithmeticOpAsync(operation: ${ArithmeticOperation},
    range: ${OperationRange},
    value?: number,
    operandSize?: ${OperandSize}): Promise<void>;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
An arithmetic operation to perform.
Operation range.
Optional operand for an arithmetic operation. Required unless operation equals ArithmeticOperation.Negation.
Specifies the size of the operand. Defaults to current view's grouping mode.

A promise object that gets completed when the operation finishes.

Perform a given arithmetic operation. All arithmetic operations besides ArithmeticOperation.Negation require an operand.

await ${activeView}.arithmeticOpAsync(${ArithmeticOperation.Multiplication}, ${OperationRange.WholeFile}, 2, ${OperandSize.Word});


shiftOpAsync(operation: ${ShiftOperation},
    range: ${OperationRange},
    value: number,
    operandSize?: ${OperandSize}): Promise<void>;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
A shift operation to perform.
Operation range.
A number of bits to shift.
Specifies the size of the operand. Defaults to current view's grouping mode.

A promise object that gets completed when the operation finishes.

Perform a given shift operation.

await ${activeView}.shiftOpAsync(${ShiftOperation.RotateLeft}, ${OperationRange.WholeFile}, 3, ${OperandSize.Word});


caseOpAsync(operation: ${CaseOperation},
    range: ${OperationRange},
    encoding: ${Encodings}): Promise<void>;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
A case operation to perform.
Operation range.
A text encoding to use for case change operation.

A promise object that gets completed when the operation finishes.

Perform a given case change operation.

await ${activeView}.caseOpAsync(${CaseOperation.Toggle}, ${OperationRange.WholeFile}, activeView.encoding);


reverseOpAsync(operation: ${ReverseOperation},
    range: ${OperationRange},
    operandSize?: ${OperandSize}): Promise<void>;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
A reverse operation to perform.
Operation range.
Specifies the size of the operand. Defaults to current view's grouping mode.

A promise object that gets completed when the operation finishes.

Perform a given bit or byte reverse operation.

await ${activeView}.reverseOpAsync(${ReverseOperation.Bits}, ${OperationRange.WholeFile}, ${OperandSize.Word});