Hex Editor - Binary File Editing Software for Windows
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Working with Scripts

The built-in Script Editor is a full-featured modern programming language editor, based on open-source Monaco Editor by Microsoft. It supports syntax coloring, syntax checking, auto-indentation, method and parameter completion and built-in documentation.

The editor supports a wide range of standard and extended text editing commands, most of which may operate on several document locations thanks to the support of multiple cursors.

In addition to standard text editing command, like Edit » Find, Edit » Replace, Edit » Go to and Clipboard commands like Edit » Cut, Edit » Copy and Edit » Paste, editor provides the following special commands (available in the editor's shortcut menu):

Go to Definition
Jump to the definition of the symbol under the cursor.
Peek Definition
Temporary “peek” on the symbol definition.
Find All References
Locate all references of a symbol under the cursor.
Go to Symbol…
Navigate to specified symbol.
Change All Occurrences
Smart rename of a symbol.
Format Document
Format the document or the current selection

A special Command Palette with additional extended editor commands may be opened using the Command Palette shortcut menu (Alt+F1).